Monday, December 9, 2013

Classroom Management Challenges

At our JH and HS we see the most problems especially with gaming issues. We have had lots of students doing things they weren’t suppose to be doing. We do have a MDM but it sometime doesn’t do what its suppose to. At the beginning of the year sometime it wouldn’t release students after the set time. So some students would be locked into something but needed something else for class. We have issues where students have found ways around the locking into of a specific app so they can play their games instead of what the teacher wants them to do. The JH teachers created a whole process of students getting written up, and it seems to be working out better. I think if a teacher is constantly walking around their classroom it will prevent students from trying to get out of the lock or play games because they know the teacher will be around and they might get in trouble. 

At the Elementary schools we are having issues with students downloading hundreds of games. We have told them during orientation this is a school device and it is meant for educational purposes, and this has even been reinforced by the principals. But many parents are allowing them to download them at home and they then come to school and have over 100 Mermaid games on it and then they don’t know what happened to the apps their teacher have pushed out to them. We have been trying to prevent this but when it does their iPad has been wiped clean of all games!

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